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The campaign begins in The Grand Duchy of Karameikos.  We'll use Pathfinder System (DnD 3.75e). 


This is a small list of races to chose from:


  • Dwarf

    • Strong Hollow Clan - this clan operates from within Highforge, and lives and works with the Gnomish population there.

    • Others (foreign) - Dwarves can come from Rockhome or another region.

  • Elf

    • Calarii - clan lives near reaches of human civilization and is favored with the Duke's family.  Favored class of Fighter, with Fighter/Wizard as common class.

    • Vyalia - deep forest clan that spans between the borders of Karameikos and Thyatis proper.  Favored class of Ranger, with Ranger/Druid not all that uncommon.  They are known to train humans as Rangers.

    • Other (foreign import) - Elves can come from Alfheim or another region.

  • Gnome

    • Highforge Clans - Favored class depends on clan, with Illusionist or Alchemist not being uncommon.

    • Other (foreign) - Gnomes can come from their subterranean kingdom of Gerriane (Earth Gnomes), from the flying city of Serraine (Sky Gnomes) or elswhere.

  • Hin (Halfling)

    • Five Shires or other clans (foreign) - Adventuring Hin (Halflings) are not uncommon in Karameikos, with favored class of Rogue, with Fighter/Rogue not all that uncommon.

  • Human

    • Traladaran - indigenous population that is a mixture of Slavic and Romanian oriented cultures.

    • Thyatian - Byzantium-like conquerers occupying Traladara (or administering or liberating Traladara, depending on point of view)

    • Other (foreign) - Mystara has numerous cultures and nations such as Ethengar (Mongolian), Darokin (merchants), Thyatian (Byzantium), Vestland (Viking), Ostland (Viking), Soderfjord Jarldoms (Viking), Ylaruman (Arabian), Glantri (Wizards), Sind (Indian), Hule (Persian), and more.


Generally the core classes found in Pathfinder System (DnD 3.75e) are available: Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, and Wizard.  Additionally, Alchemists (Gnomes) and Inquisitors are not uncommon within Karameikos.  From Ylaruam, there's also the Shi'ar class, that is sort of a mixture of a Bard and Sorcerer.


Some classes typically belong to a particular order or society, such as Clerics, Druids, Inquisitors, Paladins, and Rangers.  Here are some notable organizations:


  • Church of Karameikos (Mithras) - state religion seeks to liberate the people from darkness and spread the light of Mithras. (non-canon)

  • Order of the Shadow - secret society that monitors (sometimes manage) magical creatures, werewolves, vampires, and other powers that could disrupt balance of nature and society. (non-canon)

  • Traldaran Pantheon (Petra, Halav, Zirchev) - ancient heroes that liberated ancient Traldaran from Gnoll enslavers.


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