Character Creation
Here is a brief overview. Below are more detailed documents about character creation and campaign setting.
STEP 1: Determine Abilities
Choose either point buy or dice roll. For rolling, roll 4d6, drop lowest die, six times and put the scores into the desired ability. Dice must be rolled in front of GM using real physical dice. You can use the point buy system detailed in the Character Creation Guide.
STEP 2: Choose Race and Languages
In the starting kingdom, Grand Ducy of Karameikos, there are various groups and races to choose from: Humans (Traldaran, Thyatian), Elves (Vyalia, Calarii), Dwarves (Stronghollow), Halfing (Hin) and Gnomes. In Mystara there are no half-elves, as the result of union between human and fey results in human or fey creature, due to the highly magical nature of fey creatures.
Outside of Karameikos, there are many nations with distinct racial groups and clans. There are kingdoms for dwarves, elves, halflings (called hin). There are many nations that reflect real world cultures, such as Mongolians (Ethengar), Venetian (Darokin), Vikings, Arabian (Ylaruam), Indian (Sind), Persian (Hule), Byzantium (Thyatian), Wizards (Glantri, Alphatia).
Discuss the character concept with the GM. For unique character concepts, there may have to be some character background development to make it fit within the world.
For languages, the are multiple languages, not just Common. The Common trade language in the Known World is Thyatian. In Karameikos, most of the people speak Traldaran. Beyond the Known World, Common may represent another language, such as Hulean and Alphatian, as these are major trading languages and dominant empires.
STEP 3: Review and Choose Class
There are a variety of classes to play, and the ones in the core rulebooks are available:
Martial Characters: Fighter, Barbarian, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue
Arcane Casters: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Divine Casters: Cleric, Druid
Other classes are availalbe, such as Alchemist, Inquistor or Shi'ar. Archetypes are also available, discuss with GM.
For hitpoints, all level 1 characters start with maximum hit points. Each level, you can roll once. If the roll is lower than the average, take the average hitpoints (which is max/2 + 1 hp, so a fighter is 10/2 + 1 or 6).
STEP 4: Skills and Features
The next step is to choose skills and feats.
STEP 7: Starting Funds
All players can choose to start as a regular commoner, and roll for the normal starting funds. This money represents life savings of your family, or some recent good fortune (back story is up to the player). These funds are exceptional and not common for regular folks.
If you would like, you can roll on a social status to be something more than common, possibly even from nobility. There is a chance that you can come from a lower status. See campaign guide for details on this. Characters from outside of Karameikos do not have an option to roll for social status.
STEP 6: Equipment and Spells
Choose equipment needed for the character. For spell casters, select spells in the spell book and select the spells memorized for the day, if applicable.
Detailed Guides
Here are some documents that cover character creation, house rules, and a regional guide for playing players characters within that region, along with some rules and classes that are particular to that region.